You’ve found a job listing that seems like a great fit—exciting responsibilities, a solid company, and a promising career path. But one key detail is missing: the salary....
AI is a hot topic for today’s workforce. As the use of AI increases, organizations that want to use AI will also evolve, and seek candidates with the skills to drive their...
As a job seeker, you may not know exactly what the role you’re applying to will be like, even if your skills fit the role being advertised. You may also be considering...
Red flags. We’re all aware of what they mean in relationships, but did you know that they exist in the world of work too? This is especially true during the interview process,...
When you think about what keeps the U.S. economy moving forward, you might picture highly educated professionals in offices and factories. However, what’s often overlooked is...
Changing careers can be exciting. You can develop more knowledge, meet new people, and gain more experience. On the other hand, it can also be overwhelming. Finding the time to...
Navigating a job offer from another company while you’re still employed can be a little tricky. You might wonder if you should tell your current boss about the offer and, if...
You’ve probably heard about the “perfect job” numerous times throughout your life. After all, that’s what being young is for, right? To find your interests, gain life...
As you put yourself out into the employment world, you have to make yourself a brand. You need to be able to promote and network your skills so companies and recruiters can see...
Whether you are already part of a company or considering a new job offer, there will be times when negotiating your salary becomes essential. It’s easy to accept what the...
When searching for a job, it's common to start with job postings and online applications. While these are essential tools, relying solely on them might not be enough to secure...
When negotiating your salary, the most crucial question you'll face is "Why do you deserve this salary?". The last thing you want is to be paid less than you deserve, so it’s...
Ever since ChatGPT was launched in November 2022, the question of whether or not AI will replace human jobs has been a hot topic. Elon Musk said at a tech conference in May...
When applying for jobs, many people focus on things such as education, work experience, and hard skills such as programming experience. However, it’s easy to overlook the “soft...
Finding a job today can feel like a full-time job itself. Fortunately, there are several ways to streamline the job search process to maximize your efficiency and increase your...
In the journey toward a fulfilling career, discussing salary can be a nerve-wracking task, especially for those who are just starting out and lack work experience. Negotiating...
In today's ever-evolving job market, staying ahead of the curve means possessing the right blend of hard and soft skills. As we navigate through 2024, certain competencies have...
Searching for a job can be hard, especially when you feel as though your search has plateaued. You’re applying for positions and landing interviews, so what’s going wrong?...
Embarking on a new professional journey is often filled with excitement, anticipation, and the promise of growth. However, sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side,...
In today's dynamic job market, where information flows freely and transparency is increasingly valued, the art of salary negotiation has taken on a new dimension. With access...
So you’ve realized your current job may not be such a good fit, you’ve thought about leaving but something seems to be holding you back. Is it hesitancy? Is it fear? Or maybe...
One of the best ways to keep yourself visible in the talent pool is by joining a talent community. Whether you're looking for a new job now or in the near future; being a part...
Growing up you’ve probably heard how important it is to establish a career path especially throughout school. For those who are unfamiliar with what a career path is, it can be...
In a world of competitive job markets, it’s important to have an arsenal of tricks up your sleeve to help you get ahead of the competition. A solid resume, cover letter, and...
Everyone has dreamed of working remotely on a luxurious beach; margherita in hand at least once. Or maybe you're a little more laid back and just want to have the comfort of...
Negotiating for salary and benefits that match your value is an essential part of growing in your career. Whether it’s for a promotion or an initial job offer, you want to make...
Searching for a new job or changing career comes with a lot of consideration. While it can be appealing to focus on desired salary, there are some other important factors that...
No one wants to waste time working at a company they don’t like. So, you study employers before you apply. Comb through their job listings for clues about the company....
Searching for a job is like a quest to find the perfect slice of pizza - timing is everything. We all want that crispy, just-out-of-the-oven opportunity. But which day of the...
Whether you are new to the job hunt or an experienced veteran, we all know searching for a new job can be challenging especially when taking into account all of the factors and...
Job hunting can be an arduous journey, filled with highs and lows. The job market is competitive, and countless factors play into securing that dream job. While there are many...
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing economy, it is crucial for job seekers to possess a deep understanding of the labor market they are entering. The labor market can be...
Human Resources is one of the most misunderstood departments in business. From mean to lazy, bureaucratic to unnecessary, HR professionals have heard it all. But the truth...
ChatGPT revolutionized the world of search in just a few months. People use ChatGPT to create content, write code, complete their homework, translate text, and even tell...
In today's uncertain economic climate, many professionals find themselves concerned about the stability of their jobs. If you have a nagging feeling that a layoff may be on the...
Are you a serial job hopper? Are you also a twenty-something who has no idea what to do with your life? If you answered, Yes” to these two questions then there’s a good chance...
If you are looking for ways to make your resume stand out to employers without falsifying your experience, then consider highlighting any relevant professional accomplishments...
Job hunting while working full time can be a daunting task. With responsibilities at work and home, it can be challenging to find the time to conduct a thorough job search....
A company’s values are revealed through its corporate culture. The shared values and beliefs of a company and its employees are reflected in social interactions and the work...
When applying for jobs, there are many important factors that job seekers should consider in order to determine if a company is a good fit, such as: skills and experience, pay...
As a job seeker, it is essential to understand that standing out in a competitive job market requires more than just having the right qualifications and experience. Employers...
The average job search can range anywhere from a few days to several months. For some, the hardest part is the waiting. If your search seems like a long journey, then don’t be...
Writing emails and cover letters to land that interview you want can at first seem like a difficult task. What do you say? How do you catch their attention? Here are some...
Finding an ideal job can be a difficult task to achieve. When applying to jobs sometimes the only jobs that call you back are just unsatisfying. Here are some tips and tricks...
You just applied to a job that piques your interest, or you’re currently in the process of searching for one. Waiting on that response from a potential employer can be nail...
Whether it’s a cross-country move, a spouse’s new job placement, or the changing economic climate, there are many times when uncertainty plays a big part in the job search. It...
We’ve all been there: you find a job that you’re excited about and qualified for, craft the perfect cover letter, polish up your resume, and send off your application. You wait...
Whether you lost your job in a recent wave of layoffs due to recession anxieties or have had to step away from your current role for personal reasons, losing your position can...
It can happen. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you and it’s just an external circumstance, other times it may be a misunderstanding, and other times, maybe you contributed...
If you stumble across a company, you really want to work for, send a well-written email. Use your great communication skills to help you stand out and land an invite for an...
In today’s world where everyone has an opinion and a voice, it’s important to have a strong personal brand that establishes trust with everyone you engage with—whether it be...
Imposter syndrome is an internal belief that you aren’t as competent as others think you are. Imposter syndrome typically shows up as a sense of self-doubt that makes you feel...
Professional references allow hiring managers and employers to learn more about you and your personality. A good reference can demonstrate that you have what it takes to...
If you just graduated college and haven’t found a job yet, don’t panic. The good news for entry level employees is that many experienced people changed jobs in the last year or...
It's important to know why you aren’t getting hired. Maybe you need to change just one thing or add something to your resume. Either way, this list will help you discover the...
No one is happy all the time and that’s totally okay! If you find yourself unhappy with your job for any reason and you’re not sure what to do next, here are 6 things to keep...
Congratulations! You finished college and now you’re ready for your first job. Being fresh off the boat feels exciting, but you likely have no idea what your first job will be...
Like most people, you probably left your previous job to find something better. However, the new job isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be, the grass isn't always greener and...
You landed an interview, and the job is better than your current one in some ways. Whether it’s the dream company, essentially a promotion, or the work environment is better...
You’re looking for work and you’re confident in your skills. But you have a problem. Whether it’s because of Covid-19, caring for your family, layoffs, or simply being unable...
You’ve been through a successful job hunt and you received an offer. Congratulations! Although it’s not perfect, you tell yourself that you should be content with it. Voicing...
Most of us would agree that before starting a relationship with someone, we’d want to get to know their personality. It should be the same when we’re about to make a (possibly)...
Corporate America likes buzzwords, catchy terms meant for making users look professional and up-to-date. Everyone, in a given field, feels as if they should use them....
How often have you gone to your favorite coffee spot to order your usual drink for the barista to apologize and let you know that they cannot make it because they don’t have...
After all your effort applying and interviewing for jobs, you received an offer! But do you know how to properly respond back to an offer or even negotiate salary and...
Finding a job in a post COVID-19 world does not have to be a complex process! With the use of new technologies and traditional job-hunting strategies, you can make looking...
Here is a word of advice: You should always read a job description more than once, at LEAST twice. First Things First! Analyze all available data from the top of the...
When the world of work got turned upside down, so did internships. In 2020, college students saw their internships vanish—it’s been estimated that nearly half of all...
Receiving a job offer is wonderful achievement. Most people would say yes to the offer as soon as possible, but even if you’re sure you’re going to accept the position, you...
Most companies will quickly settle for a people person than that subject matter expert who finds it difficult to collaborate with others. Regardless of your technical...
Are you contemplating leaving your job? There are a lot of things to consider before submitting that resignation letter. Here are 5 financial strategies that you can...
It’s good manners that after a birthday or wedding you send a thank you note to your guests. But no one mentions that you should also thank the person you just interviewed...
Finding a middle ground between bragging and self-promotion can be challenging. While you don't want to seem like an egomaniac, you do want your achievements to be seen as...
Anyone with a passion in their hearts has a dream job that they want to land. It could be game design, teaching, working in an art gallery, or being a social worker. Every...
Volunteering is a great step into the workforce, especially when searching for work or if you’re between jobs. There’s always volunteer work available. A quick search online...
It can be scary to negotiate the things that we want for ourselves. Asking for a raise or a day off from your boss can be intimidating, but you won’t know what you could’ve...
If you’re unsure if it’s time to change jobs, here are some clear signs that your current job might not be working for you. 1. Drained from your schedule Having a long...
Employers wants to hire the most skilled and trustworthy employees. Resumes are submitted for hiring managers to review, making sure that they pick the ones with the best...
People can really spiral when they suffer from imposter syndrome. Nevertheless, having it doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad thing. Experiencing imposter syndrome means that...
Social media is often how we communicate with friends and family, it’s often viewed as personal. However, if you are a job seeker you must remember that one of the first things...
It goes unsaid that hard skills are essential to obtaining a job. Whether it’s learning to cook, code, or engineer, with hard work and effort, any hard skill can be obtained....
The art of negotiating is something not many are used to. For new job seekers, the idea of negotiating is intimidating, and they don’t know where to start. Once you get a taste...
The vast majority of jobs require at least some level of competence when it comes to writing. Even when you wouldn’t necessarily think a certain job would require strong...
Stepping into a negotiation can be intimidating. Whether you’re asking for a promotion or discussing the initial salary at a new job it’s easy to feel as though your employer...
When you start your professional life, you will receive an overwhelming amount of advice from every corner of your life. Your parents will say one thing; your old professors...
Over the last few decades, the job-hunting market has moved pretty much exclusively online. Gone are the days where job applicants would shuffle from business to business,...
When we’re young, we’re taught not to be envious of others, but to appreciate what we already have. But what if that envy could be turned into something good? It’s...
We all imagine our career will have a very linear path. You have an interest in a certain field, get educated or certified in it, get an entry level position at a company, then...
Covid-19 led to an economic downturn that affected every American employee—including the youth labor market. Now, with many businesses struggling to find employees, despite 8.4...
Searching for a job is difficult. Most of us have gone through the daunting phase of searching for the “dream job,” been through multiple rounds of interviews and met with our...
Anytime is a good time to consider the types of skills we can offer a potential employer. To be frank, there is nothing that can make us “perfectly employable,” and there will...
Imagine you’re on a job interview. You’re charming them, they’re charming you and it’s going great. Yet, something’s not quite right. There’s an elephant lurking in the...
Negotiating for one’s salary can be as intimidating as it is necessary. In our current economic environment, wages have notoriously refused to grow alongside other indicators...
The age of social media and data aggregation means that a lot of the legwork job recruiters had to do to identify candidates is now done collectively by the labor market on...
We’ve all heard a question in an interview that goes something like this: “It says here that you were ‘Operations Manager,’ what exactly did that entail?” Am I right? Doesn’t...
Imagine it’s about fifty or sixty years from now. You’re resting peacefully in a recliner chair, drifting off into an afternoon nap. Then, out of the quiet rises this nagging...
If you’re having difficulty finding happiness within your line of work or figuring out what you want to do with your life, perhaps it’s time to look to the stars for help....
A new year is upon us, and with that we have all the new expectations we usually have of how to tackle these next twelve months and continue on our journey to being our best...
In my last article, I listed three ways to start recovering from a job loss by gearing up for a job gain. There are so many ways to get back on your feet both professionally...
The end is near. You knew it was coming, you lost a big account at your firm, got into a heated argument with your boss, or perhaps your sales have been slipping for months...
Perhaps on a job interview you’ve been asked, “What is your biggest weakness?” Some may say, “I’m a perfectionist.” They may hope this conveys the idea that they put...
One of the most common payroll cycles that companies use is the bi-weekly payroll where hourly employees receive their paychecks every two weeks. Unfortunately, hourly...
Often people will find that they have gaps in their resume or will soon be getting to a point where they may have a significant gap. Long periods of time where you’ve gone...
Professional setbacks come in many forms. A setback could be small speedbumps such as a networking opportunity that never happened or a major roadblock like being laid off....
An elevator speech is a business tactic that people use in various situations to pitch themselves to potential employers, networking contacts, and clients. It is called an...
Mentors and sponsors - many believe these words are interchangeable. Though both play critical roles in career advancement, they are not created equal. So, what’s the...
For anyone looking for a fun, fast-paced, impactful job we’ve got you covered! These three jobs are not only fun and flexible, but they’re available right now. Anyone looking...
If you are thinking about a career change right now, you are probably thinking this is the worst possible timing. But that might not be the case. If you are considering a...
Every year, we move further and further away from the traditional job world the generations before knew. Everything from technology to office environments in the work world is...
Social media has afforded the world endless opportunity to connect and show off, but it’s also been a great way for companies to determine whether or not a candidate is right...
Getting a higher education is something millions of people strive for and achieve all the time. But how much school is too much? After undergraduate school, a lot of students...
After college graduation, everyone wants to go straight into their dream job and never look back. It’s easy to feel the need to only accept paid full-time jobs out of school,...
In today’s modern world, our personal and professional lives are intertwined more than ever before. While that can be a positive thing, it can also lead to additional scrutiny...
The truth is, many aspects of life (including the job search) have been disrupted this year for obvious reasons. If you are wondering who’s hiring right now or to which job to...
It’s a myth that those who are easily distracted are poor workers - actually, it’s the polar opposite of the truth. People who have busy minds or are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD...
The dream of working from home is a luxury that is becoming more and more possible with the ever-growing and changing world of technology. A lot of companies no longer need an...
Looking for a remote internship and wondering ‘where do I start?’ I can relate. Two months ago, I started the journey to find a remote internship and I landed one! This...
More jobs are remote these days as companies continue to keep employees working from home. Employers desire a little bit more from remote workers, but don't worry—you may...
Having the flexibility to work from home, or anywhere, is no longer a wish list item for job seekers. According to a report from Global Workplace Analytics, as of 2018 there’s...
The tech industry is one, if not the¸ highest paying one in America. Therefore, many people think that in order to get one of those high-paying jobs in Silicon Valley, you must...
College graduates have always had challenges landing their dream job after graduation, but with a quarantine and subsequent frozen economy, students graduating this May are...
It can be so exciting to finally receive that job offer that you may not even take the time to think about it before you say “yes!” But that can put you in a situation you...
In the news lately we’ve heard about many companies laying off and/or furloughing workers. But what exactly is the difference? Layoffs Anyone who lived through the...
While your days may currently be blending together there may be some silver linings to being home. Who hasn’t, at some point thought to themselves, “I’d love to do this, I just...
“Work smarter; not harder.” We’ve all probably heard this phrase at one point or another. It’s a quote that highlights the idea of being efficient and is completely relevant...
Your personal brand is what people think of when they hear your name. It is what people are saying about you behind your back (both good and bad). Your brand is also how you...
Do you ever feel like Garfield? You’ve had a great weekend, and then Sunday night hits. Dread starts creeping in, and you don’t want the night to end, because tomorrow is the...
Finding the right job is a lot like dating. You might not really know a person until you start living with them. The first few months, they present as polite, hygienic and...
If you are thinking about quitting your job, you’re not alone. A 2018 Conference Board study states that only 51% of U.S. workers are satisfied with their jobs. Just a sliver...
One of the most important aspects of job searching or finding customers and clients is networking. It significantly increases your chances of reaching your professional goals...
For most of us being patient is hard trait to master. When it comes to searching for a job, it is really difficult to wait for that moment. You have a plan to go after a job....
The worst has happened: you’ve lost your job. You’re upset, confused, scared, angry, and everything in-between. Maybe you saw it coming, or perhaps it snuck up on you. Whether...
“Remember, the goal of your resume is to get an interview, not to get a job. The goal of the interview is to get the job”. This statement by James Neilsen, CEO of Vendition,...
More than ever, people want to find careers and work that they are passionate about. You know how the saying goes: Find a job you love, and you will never work a day in your...
Throughout our childhood and school years, we’ve been taught that in order to land a good job and settle down in life, we need to aim to go to a high-end college or university,...
Recruiters spend countless hours searching for the best candidates, so you should make their job easier by helping them find the most talented and capable person for the...
We all have dreams that we all want to achieve. When we were children, we all had something that we wanted to do when we were older. Even as adults we all had that dream...
Working remotely can be a great opportunity for you if you want to ditch your commute and budget your own time. It can give you the flexibility to work from anywhere you desire...
We’ve all experienced being “ghosted” after an interview. If you’ve recently applied for a job and haven’t heard back in over a month, you’re likely being ghosted right now....
Not only did you nail your interviews, but you’ve also received multiple job offers. Let’s discuss what you need to consider before making your big decision. Before picking...
There’s strength in numbers, so for those seeking more control over their career, a union job may be the right fit. Belonging to a strong team of workers in your field surely...
When you are in a professional setting like your office or a networking event, work tends to be the topic at the center of most of the conversations. In these situations, it...
There is nothing worse than starting a new job as a wide-eyed, bushy-tailed employee, only to quickly realize that the job is not what you expected. Sadly, you’re not...
Whether you’re a recent college graduate or someone who’s embarking on a new career path, landing your first job may take significant time and effort. However, with the proper...
It’s widely believed that happiness breeds success. When you’re happy, you’ll do better at work. A study shows that happier workers perform better, have better relationships...
Your first day on the job is similar to your first day at a new school or college- you feel like a small fish in a big pond. You want to make an excellent first impression. So,...
Negotiating a new job offer rarely feels comfortable. Most people cower at the thought of negotiations; the very concept of it makes some people cringe. However, don’t let fear...
So, you don't like the career path you're now on, and you want to make a change. There are so many reasons that people transition from one career to another. Maybe you lost...
In today’s hectic world where we feel as though we’re constantly connected, even when we don’t want to be, finding a job with a good work/life balance has become a top priority...
Long gone are the days when a person used to join a company at the start of their career and would retire from it. Job security is a relic of the past, and it doesn’t matter...
These days it seems you need a degree to do anything. But there are a few jobs that can get you some serious money without having to put in serious hours working towards an...
Have you been searching the job market for months without much luck? Have you been endlessly lining up for dozens of first-round interviews but not getting any callbacks? I’ve...
There’s a Reddit forum where people share how they lost their job because of a post on a social media site. One Redditor, who got fired after posting drunk photos of herself on...
You’ve watched the lifelike bots of Westworld, you’ve seen Sophia learn and mirror human emotions, you rely on Alexa to play all of your music: So. in a world of robots, there...
When seeking a new job, a potential employee has to look at all the benefits and perks in comparison to other opportunities and see what would be best for them in the long run....
Most of us avoid conflict at work. We don’t want to get ourselves involved with another office drama. According to CCP Global Human Capital, the annual cost of workplace...
In today’s job market, the act of job hopping has become more and more popular. This is partly due to an increased desire to find fulfilling work on the part of the employees,...
After graduation, you may feel as though the world is at your fingertips. It’s an intense transitional period and an incredibly exciting, albeit frustrating time. We often...
Do you ever worry about your workload after a long day at the office? You’re not alone. According to a recent poll by Ipsos, a whopping 64% of employed Americans feel stressed...
Having a disability is hard enough without it affecting your job search. And really, it should not limit your opportunity to land a great job. So, here are some great tips to...
So, you’ve recently gotten a new boss. Then you discover they’re five, ten, maybe even twenty or more years younger than you. This is becoming a far more common occurrence and...
We all have days when work is the last thing we want to be doing. We grumble and shuffle in with lips pursed and a generally grouchy attitude. Hey, even Lady Gaga has bad...
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Remember hearing that question all the time? The answers may have varied throughout the years, but the question remains the same,...
If you’ve recently joined a new company or have started a new position, you might be feeling lost and in need of some advice. This is where professional mentors come in...
When you’re looking for a new job, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. Would you enjoy the daily tasks? Does their salary range match up with yours? These...
The days of sucking up to impress the boss are long gone. If you’ve ever seen the popular TV show The Office, you know that when Andy Bernard first starts in Scranton, he tries...
Whether you just lost your job or you couldn’t take it anymore and quit, the one thing you probably aren’t thinking about is the unspoken bias that might work against you – the...
Career changes occur often over the course of a professional’s life; some are temporary, others are unexpected. Some women face setbacks or certain challenges when they choose...
They say the only things you can count on are death and taxes – so why waste time in a career you hate? Instead of suffering in silence day in and day out, try these 4 tips to...
Depending on the type of field you’re in, there are a variety of skills you need to excel at your job. Those can range from certifications and degrees to technical skills. But...
As 2018 draws to a close, it's a good time to reflect on your career. It's also an ideal time to think ahead for how you can improve in 2019. Check out five career resolutions...
Unlike workers from the baby boomer and X generations, millennial workers require more than a great salary, good medical benefits and a good retirement package. There are other...
Working under a new boss pushes you outside your comfort zone. Managers hold dominion over your work life, deciding everything from your daily workload to your advancement in...
When you look back on your first weeks at a new job, do you want to remember yourself as a nervous wreck or a star hire who impressed everyone with your proficiency? Navigate...
Stress is a normal part of life in many businesses. When you experience high levels of stress over a long period of time, however, it can lead to professional burnout — even...
A good job means different things to different people. The definition often changes as people grow older and develop new interests. Having a family may also change a person's...
Sometimes, you may have to tolerate a boss who drives you crazy. Reasons for putting up with your boss may vary, such as the job is a great one, you absolutely adore the...
Having trouble networking? Why not try some different networking tactics the next time you have an opportunity to get to know some colleagues in a work situation. Any social...
Getting fired is a huge blow to your self-esteem, especially when it's unexpected. Most jobs are "at will" positions, and an employer can fire you without an explanation or...
For professionals, the annual performance review often determines bonuses and raises. But what happens when your company integrates team goals into your review? Since these...
Conducting a successful job search in this digital age means leveraging the right tools and technologies to find the perfect role for you. Searching for jobs on a free job...
If you want to boost your time management and make the most out of your workday, you're in luck. These clever productivity hacks can help you get more done in less...
Whether you love them or dread them, office parties are an important part of company culture, and you need to attend yours unless you want to be known as that person who isn't...
Remote work can help companies save on the cost of office space, benefits and training. Despite these savings, large companies such as IBM, Aetna and Bank of America began to...
While you wish you could spend the holiday season sipping eggnog by the fireplace, the winter months are often filled with more stress than you care to face. As year-end...
It's tough to stay motivated and give your best when you feel your employer is underpaying you. Instead of dwelling on the feeling of being undervalued or unappreciated, take...
A huge proportion of job seekers have student loan debt. With the cost of college having skyrocketed over the past few decades, new professionals must take on massive debts to...
Employers everywhere have been telling their teams to "think outside the box" for decades, but is this really sound advice? While the idea of pushing aside what already exists...
Values are a big conversation topic in the workplace, with nearly every company eager to construct a public statement of its core values. Consider clarifying your personal...
Instead of reaching for a cup of coffee to get through your busy afternoon at the office, research suggests something more effective. Power naps can help alleviate tiredness in...
Every employer wants something different, making it a challenge to present yourself as the perfect candidate. Yet, simple missteps can consistently sabotage your job search....
One in six adults experience mental health problems associated with their job. If you suffer from work-related stress, depression or anxiety, it is important to take action to...
With the U.S. unemployment rate dropping throughout much of the 2010s, the focus of the future workforce is likely to be on securing a great job rather than simply getting a...
Detecting a lie is far from an exact science. However, certain aspects of conversation and body language can raise red flags that someone is telling a lie. While not definitive...
Proactive leadership development is the key to growing a stable company that can easily adapt to change. Leaders shape your workplace culture, and their values influence how...
Part-time jobs are very popular today, particularly among employees who juggle traditional work with freelancing or family responsibilities. The perceived problem with...
Before complaining about a lack of progressivity in your workplace, make sure you're not part of the problem. A positive attitude helps open your mind to new ideas, and...
Moving from the military to civilian life is a big transition. Everything changes — especially your career. As your time as a military member comes to an end, a bit of planning...
Working with an executive recruiter is a good way to increase your chance of finding an executive job. However, this is not the right option for everyone. For some job seekers,...
The RiseSmart 2018 Recruiter Survey is out, as of November 2018, and the company compiled its data to give you tips and tricks to improve your job search efforts. This...
Volunteering for a non-profit organization you support is fulfilling, which is why a job offer from that same organization can be especially enticing. Unfortunately, a...
The unemployment rate is 3.7 percent as of November 2018, and the United States keeps adding more employees to the labor force. That means it's a great time to find a dream...
Blockchain technology has the potential to redefine traditional ways of working in a huge range of industries, including retail, health care, education, manufacturing and...
Despite women having more rights now than at any time in the past, they still only make up a minority of people working in STEM industries in the United States. Much more work...
Finding a job is easy. Finding a job you love that also pays the bills is not so easy. Successful job hunting is a skill you have to hone through research, practice and...
Thanks to a strong labor market in 2018, companies are slowly increasing salaries for employees. Keep this in mind if you plan on getting a raise to reward your hard work....
Employers look for top talent who can do the job and handle the role assigned to them. While some hiring managers may prefer direct experience when filling positions, you can...
Employers continually look for ways to balance cost-effectiveness with finding high-quality hires. Despite applicant trackers and algorithms that vet candidates, specialty...
Perhaps you don't feel like going to work this week. Maybe you feel underappreciated for all of the hard work you put in at the office. Try to determine if you're in the midst...
Workplace stress can arise at any time — busy seasons, tough clients and co-worker relationships are common culprits. Left unmanaged, this stress can seep out of the office and...
The U.S. economy is booming in 2018 with many new jobs, but most of the growth is taking place in low wage and high wage occupations. Growth in middle wage jobs is much slower,...
When you start a great job, it's normal to expect a positive experience. But what happens if your new position isn't making you happy? By taking the right actions, you can...
For many people, noisy co-workers are the most annoying distraction. Also, if the noise levels in your workplace get too loud, it could create a toxic work environment....
Chances are good that at some point in your career, you develop feelings that relate to job dissatisfaction. Perhaps these feelings come from boredom, fatigue, too much stress...
A study from CareerBuilder states that more than 25 percent of bosses want a subordinate to leave the company. If you're one of the unlucky 25 percent, learn what to do if your...
You have plenty to remember at work, particularly if you spend 40 hours a week at a busy office. Learn how to improve productivity by enhancing your memory while potentially...
As of early fall 2018, the U.S. economy is growing at its fastest pace in four years, and unemployment is at an 18-year low. So, why hasn't wage growth kept up with the...
Perhaps you stayed up with a sick child all night or you just couldn't sleep the night before. Maybe you needed to put in extra hours at work during the week to finish a huge...
Although the labor market is strong, with Department of Labor data showing a low 3.9 percent unemployment rate as of September 2018, many job seekers still struggle in their...
Controlling what finds its way to your work desk takes time and energy, but it's well worth the effort. A cluttered desk can sap your productivity, and certain items displayed...
Unlimited vacation time sounds like the ultimate job perk, evoking images of visiting sandy beaches throughout the year between hectic work weeks. Unfortunately, getting...
Procrastination can be a tricky habit to identify. After all, you feel busy, but constantly struggle to meet deadlines — often, because you're filling up your time with...
Nearly half of full-time employees spend more than 50 hours at work per week, according to Career Metis. Overworked employees, combined with the effects of a stressed-out...
Getting the career you want and love is not impossible. Make your passion a reality by taking concerted steps that lead you to the promised land of career bliss, even if it...
Age discrimination is a serious problem for older job seekers, with those over 35 listing it as the biggest obstacle to getting hired in a 2017 AARP survey. Although there are...
As your job search drags on, it’s easy to become discouraged. Maybe you didn’t land an interview for the job you really wanted or never got a call back after an interview that...
The 2018 labor market favors job seekers, as the unemployment rate remains low and demand for top talent stays high. That's why your job search must follow certain trends to be...
Learning a second language can boost your career in several ways, particularly since companies that operate in a global economy often do business with a wide variety of...
If you're unhappy with your career, this is a great time to consider changing jobs. As of September 2018, the unemployment rate is low and job openings are plentiful. The...
As the economy picks up in mid-2018 with unemployment at low levels, every industry is feeling a pinch in staffing. The transportation industry faces a dilemma with a truck...
A long commute to work might actually affect your chances of landing a job. Although discriminating against someone based on where they live isn't illegal in the United States,...
Hands-on experience and job skills trump a college degree for at least some of the top employers in the United States. The trend comes as the 2018 labor market needs to draw...
When targeting specific skills for professional development and growth, consider computer skills to increase your chances of landing a job, earning a promotion and becoming an...
Job seekers in 2018 know what they want, and very few are willing to settle. Gone are the days when a steady paycheck and job security were a job seeker's top priority....
As more people embrace the option to work from home, professionals who are still stuck in the office often wonder what it's like to live the dream. Having total control over...
When cowardly employers want to avoid the hassle of firing you outright, they use underhanded tactics to motivate you to quit your job. You could be the unlucky target of a...
Congratulations, you earned that well-paying, long-term job and achieved a level of professional success you planned for since you graduated from college. Figuring out the next...
Most employers turn to social media to dig up information about job candidates. That's why your social media presence is so important when it comes to your job search. Status...
The job market in 2018 is vastly different than it was a few decades ago when Baby Boomers and Generation Xers were more likely to obtain job security and a great retirement...
Older workers commonly work past the age of 65 to maintain their vitality, stay active and to save up more money for their retirement years. Yet, there is a disconnect among...
You deserve to be happy in your professional life, which is why changing careers is both a labor of love and a challenge. Part if this challenge is figuring out if you need go...
When choosing a career path, should you focus on earning a high salary, having a prestigious job title or working for an extremely popular company? Truth is, professionals who...
Success in the workplace is a team game. While your skills and achievements play a role, the way others perceive you is just as important. If you want to appear confident to...
One of the most common grief-inducing events is the loss of a loved one, but many situations can cause you to experience grief at work, including the sudden onset of illness,...
Managers motivate others through a combination of pushing teammates to strive harder and pulling at them to inspire them to do more. Your attitudes and beliefs can affect how...
Narcissists tend to be highly focused on themselves — a trait that can be challenging to deal with in a professional setting. Since it's usually impossible to change another...
As many as 70 percent of employers scour the social media accounts of candidates before extending a job offer. That's why you should clean up your online presence, beyond just...
There's a fine line between owning up to your mistakes and over-apologizing, and recognizing it can mean the difference between putting yourself down and boosting your...
As children, you were probably taught not to cause a fuss in class, not to become the class outcast and always conform to what adults told you. What happens when you don't...
College internships create a stepping stone to your career. With the right connections, top grades and drive to succeed, you can jumpstart your professional life by landing an...
Workplace comedies that depict stagnant, bungling employers are so popular in American culture that it's easy to forget good companies do exist. Don't allow job search stress...
When trying to improve their health, most people focus on the obvious factors: diet, sleep, and exercise. However, you also need to consider how job stress impacts your health....
It's not uncommon for individuals to get angry or completely lose their temper at work. Stressful projects, missed deadlines, personality conflicts, demanding clients or...
Gauging fair salary expectations of a position is extremely difficult in American workplaces. Several complex factors go into someone's compensation, and not all of the...
Countless individuals dread going to work each day because of one or more bad co-workers. That's not surprising, since a toxic co-worker can leave you feeling stressed, drained...
Millennials have long been the subject of conversation — and controversy — for their detachment from norms created by previous generations, but the newest generation is shaking...
A 2018 study from enterprise software provider AgileCraft outlines the types of jobs at risk when it comes to workplace automation. The study combined data from the U.S. Bureau...
Success may happen by accident or by design, but you're more likely to achieve career goals when you move forward with purpose. You can make simple choices every day to...
The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, as of 2018, and it rose to that level in 2009. States can raise their minimums to above the federal limit as they see fit, which is...
Recruiters and employers often look at candidates' social media accounts during the hiring process. Chances are, you've already removed potentially damaging posts and cleaned...
A bad manager isn't always easy to spot during interviews, so you might get stuck with a boss who makes work a nightmare. But no matter how your boss behaves, you still have to...
Reports of a booming economy and low unemployment rates across the board can be frustrating to job seekers who can't seem to get their slice of that employment pie. As it turns...
Unemployment is at less than 4 percent for the first time since 2000, as of June 2018, but there's more to that figure than meets the eye. Companies have as many job openings...
While you may prefer tackling tasks on your own, the time always comes when you need to take on a project as a group. When diverse personalities, varying work styles and...
As of 2018, a fair amount of research into workplace efficiency seems to point towards firms finding the right balance between stress at work and engagement at work. The theory...
If you're dreaming of the day when you can quit your job, you're not alone, as countless people are extremely unhappy at work and desperately want to resign. Some workers stay...
Lying on your resume is never a good thing because an employer will eventually discover the lie through a background check or by noting your apparent lack of skills. The trick...
Hiring a career coach is a big step in your career, particularly if you're feeling as if you're stuck in a professional rut and you've tried everything you can think of to move...
Don't neglect developing your soft skills, including your social abilities, values, character traits and emotional intelligence, when preparing for job interviews. In a 2016...
If high-profile lawsuits involving big companies are any indication, gender discrimination in the workplace is still a fixture of America, despite anti-discrimination laws....
The U.S. government's monthly labor report paints a glowing picture of the job numbers in a robust economy. The unemployment rate is 3.8 percent as of June 2018, which is...
Even though more and more baby boomers are reaching retirement age in 2018, a survey from CareerBuilder shows that as many as 53 percent of workers over the age of 60 say they...
Most job seekers don't just luck into the position of their dreams. The job search takes hard work, patience and determination, and research finds that job seekers with certain...
Don't let worries about age discrimination get in the way of moving forward with your job search. If you're a job seeker over 40, the fastest path to success is keeping your...
Next Avenue, a specialty news agency that focuses on people over 50, reports that the 2018 job market is hot for job seekers. The news agency sent a representative to...
Widening the geographical region in which you are looking for jobs can be a good way to increase the chance of your job search being successful. However, before moving to a new...
Making a job change isn’t a decision to take lightly. When you’re grappling with the choice to leave an employer behind for a new one or stick it out for a little while longer,...
Stress negatively affects the careers of many workers. To succeed in your professional aspirations, use these tips to manage stress even in difficult situations. 1....
References are still a major part of the hiring process, even if you have dynamite skills, a winning personality and the experience to back up your qualifications. Your...
Think twice before quitting your job without a plan. Beyond the financial expense, unemployment can have a mental and emotional toll that makes your job search less productive....
Casual work attire is becoming the norm as more millennials overtake the workforce and follow the example of trendy startups. Yet, most businesses still have a conventional...
Many professionals frown on the idea of making friends at work but building and maintaining workplace friendships can actually have a positive impact on your career and life....
If unemployment wasn't enough of a challenge already, ongoing and published research reveals job seekers who are out of a job are less likely to receive a good job offer, or...
A survey published in May 2018 by Glassdoor reveals that more than one-fourth, or 28.5 percent, of job seekers are willing to move to a location outside of their current metro...
There are competing schools of thought regarding the effectiveness of standing desks at the workplace. On the one hand, Google and Facebook claim these types of desks help...
Quitting your job shouldn't be a spur-of-the-moment decision you make in a fit of frustration. Think about why you're unhappy at work and what you want in the future before...
You have plenty of distractions at work that can take you away from your daily tasks and cause you to procrastinate. Instead of losing productivity at work, prevent...
Employees and managers face workplace challenges regularly, and how they handle the challenges significantly impact business operations, the company culture and company growth....
Whether your workplace dress code is ultra-professional or more business casual, office fashion is a complicated subject to broach. Regardless of whether you’re headed to a...
Working for yourself may seem like a glamorous life of leisure, but it takes tireless effort to build steady income from a freelance job. Self-employment puts you in charge of...
Your online job profile gives employers a snapshot of your skills, experience and background. Your profile comes from your portfolio website, LinkedIn and job aggregator...
Having a job puts you in close quarters with bosses who may ignore social cues and ask awkward questions that make you uncomfortable. Since you can't avoid co-workers forever,...
As of May 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor noted that job openings in the United States reached an all-time high since recordkeeping on this statistic began in December 2000....
Writing a resignation letter is a tedious task. No matter how you feel about the overall job experience, it's wise to stay professional and positive to maintain good...
Nina Semczuk learned the hard way how to find her first civilian job after spending five years as an officer in the U.S. Army. She compares finding a job to being a sniper....
Most professionals dream of working for a company with outstanding leaders and a positive environment. Unfortunately, this type of workplace isn't as common as it should be. In...
If you loathe business networking, it's frustrating to be told again and again that meeting new people is essential to get ahead. Networking helps you build lasting...
According to a 2017 survey by the Conference Board, 49.6 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs. If you fall into that group, you might wonder if you'd be better...
Competition during the job search is often fierce, which is why you need to stand out as the ideal candidate for the job. Beyond crafting a professional resume and creative...
Finding a job is more than just trying to land a new position with a company. It's about expanding your horizons, meeting new people and facing new challenges in your...
Waiting tables offers a quick way to earn cash, especially if you're in college, looking for your first job or only need a part-time income. Despite the challenges that wait...
Small talk is inevitable, no matter where you work — you're expected to make it with customers, colleagues and vendors. Although this chitchat can feel awkward, it's a great...
While earning trust takes time, losing it can happen in an instant. In the professional world, trust is the foundation of a solid relationship, but certain actions, and even...
Telecommuting positions are gaining popularity as professionals across the world envision the luxury of working from home and employers embrace this cost-saving method....
Companies offer increasingly personalized employee benefits as a way to draw top talent. As much as 57 percent of employees believe perks and benefits are some of the top...
Arguments among your team members and colleagues may not seem very helpful at some points during a project. However, business leaders and managers can use disagreements to turn...
The #MeToo era started when Hollywood actresses came out publicly against Harvey Weinstein in 2017 and told about his horrific sexual misconduct. A Pew Research survey...
With networking and soft skills such big deals in a contemporary job search as of 2018, providing a list of references to an employer may not seem like a priority. But a...
When your job search never seems to turn up any solid leads, it doesn't mean there aren't any good jobs available. From your resume to your interview decorum, every choice you...
Learn to recognize the benefits of two-way communication if you want to build productive relationships and move forward in your career. Choosing the right words to deliver...
As student loan debt reaches crisis levels in 2018, the average graduate copes with $37,172 in debt, and employers have begun to understand what this means for them as they...
The job search can be stressful enough without having to worry about a DUI conviction on your record. Before you let the blemish stress you too much, remember that George W....
Entering the workforce after a long absence may seem like a daunting proposition, especially since you faced an entirely different routine that had nothing to do with clocking...
Ambitious women leave a significant mark in many industries, but the wage gap still exists, especially in tech industries. Change is on the horizon, though, as many women...
Whether you’re unemployed or seeking a career change, that highly anticipated job offer is music to your ears. Before you accept the hiring manager's offer, make sure you’re...
Whether you're currently working with a goal of finding a new position or are unemployed in desperate need of work, the job search can be frustrating. The longer it goes on,...
Looking for employment can be a scary proposition. When fear and anxiety creep into your consciousness during a job search, you might begin to doubt your abilities, and your...
The job search process is challenging at any time, but for older workers, the challenges may be a bit overwhelming, especially when changing career fields. Learn how to...
As a job seeker, it's natural to want to pursue every opportunity or lead that comes your way. But there are some jobs that may not be a good fit for you or positions that do...
Two white men are challenging the notion that companies should foster workplace diversity programs and advancement at the cost of finding the best possible employees. Alphabet,...
Congratulations, you have several offers on the table at once from multiple employers. That means you're doing exceedingly well in a competitive labor market. But now you have...
Landing a great job is tough, no matter how much you're qualified to do the work. It's impossible to know exactly what employers want or anticipate all the politics going on...
Finding your dream job requires much more than just searching online job boards and applying for positions. A savvy job search requires a plan and a concerted effort to narrow...
Re-entering the workforce after a hiatus can be challenging, but with the right preparation, you can impress employers before and after the hiring process. Boost your job...
The gender pay gap keeps widening despite more attention and studies on the issue of equal pay for men and women. Census Bureau statistics reveal that women made 82 percent of...
While there's no doubt that Americans are hardworking, certain unhealthy habits can cause an unnecessary drain, reducing productivity. Other countries tend to take lessons from...
Employees have the right to work in a safe environment. When workplace accidents happen, some employees may be entitled to compensation depending on the circumstances. Review...
On average, Americans switch jobs 10 to 15 times over the course of their careers. When your current position no longer meets your needs in terms of salary, benefits, promotion...
During a job search, advocating for yourself is a must. Securing work is a solo affair, and if you don't promote yourself, no one else will. From an employer's initial inquiry...
A proper job search plan may not produce results in just a few weeks. You may have to conduct your search over a few months to achieve fine-tuned results. When you have a solid...
Whether you're hoping to land your dream job or just trying to grow your client list, focusing your niche is a powerful way to make your presence known. While it may be...
Companies that require advanced knowledge of science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) must encourage more women in technology fields to join their organizations....
Increased longevity and life spans have provided an opportunity for the aging population in the job market. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, individuals...
You worked hard, sharpened your skills and landed a big promotion. Now what? Leadership roles don't come with a handbook to help you juggle more responsibilities and solve...
Recruiters and HR staffers spend an entire six seconds scanning your resume. That's why you need to put your most important skills in an easy-to-read format. Discover five...
Although workplace stress is common, when you feel overwhelmed or even helpless on the job, it can significantly affect your performance and productivity. If you find yourself...
Criticism is an unavoidable part of being a professional, but some bosses take it too far. An overly critical boss can cause a range of problems, from anxiety to insecurity and...
Think about the last time you lost out on a great career opportunity. Did your best efforts fall short, or did you talk yourself out of taking a chance before you even tried?...
You're bored at your job. You're even considering getting a new job or switching careers altogether. Discover these six ways to revamp your career or start over in an entirely...
Knowing how to manage your social media presence can make or break your job search. That's because as many as 70 percent of employers screen candidates through social networks....
The future workplace may look a lot different than offices of 2018. Rapid changes in technology lead to industries prioritizing certain skills over others as companies seek to...
Self-doubt can sabotage your progress at work, preventing you from contributing innovative ideas or going out for promotions. If that sounds familiar, take heart — uncertainty...
The job search process is already challenging, and if you add a criminal history into the mix, the process becomes even more stressful. When you're offered an interview, don't...
Job seekers and recruiters are adopting smart tactics to make the hiring process more fruitful, so it's crucial to evolve and stay competitive. If you're still relying on...
A summer internship can help you land a job immediately after you graduate. Landing an internship takes hard work and dedication, since you must approach the process as if you...
You decide that your career needs a change of pace and make the plunge from one industry to another. Handling the job search well is key, especially if you're in uncharted...
Hearing loss may sneak up on you at work, especially if it's a gradual. You may not even realize that your occupation could affect your hearing. Discover 10 jobs where...
A mid-life career change might sound intimidating, but the thought of working 20 or more years in a profession you don't enjoy may be even more unfathomable. If you decide to...
If you're not getting interview offers, it may be time to refine your job search approach. The job search process tends to be difficult, but there are steps you can take to...
How you prepare your application materials and present yourself as a job candidate has drastically changed from years before. Applicants must know approach the job search by...
When you're on the chopping block at work, do your best to take control of the situation. Getting fired carries an unfair stigma, so you might waste energy trying to hold onto...
Successful people know that a long weekend provides bountiful opportunities for productivity, rejuvenation and healthy habits, but unsuccessful individuals don't make such...
A lawsuit filed in Indianapolis federal court in December 2017 alleges that a woman working for the magistrate court was wrongfully terminated. Amber Bridges used air...
You work hard at your position to help the team advance its goals. Yet, you also want to receive due credit when you dedicate yourself to a particular task. Discover how to...
A career is not all about money, although money is one of the main reasons why it's important to keep a stable job throughout your professional life. Discover some ways to find...
Are you forcing yourself to do just enough at work? Despite putting in a passable performance, showing up every day with a poor attitude can earn you a reputation as a problem...
Whether you're in need of a pay increase or just looking for a change of pace, a career change can be a positive step in your life. With so many employment options out there,...
When you apply for a job, the hiring manager is likely to contact at least one former employer. Although the purpose of the call is usually to verify your application...
A 2017 survey from PayScale reveals more than one-fourth, or 28 percent, of new hires don't participate in salary negotiation because they are uncomfortable when talking about...
A new year brings excitement and a feeling of starting over, the perfect conditions to set big goals. If you're like many people, New Year's resolutions are exciting in January...
As the new year kicks off, you may be thinking about your New Year's resolutions, and one of those might be to follow the rules and stay out of trouble. While this is usually...
If a new job opportunity arises and you're considering relocating to a new city, you want the place you call home to possess several key attributes. Moving can be intimidating...
The employment landscape is changing, bringing plenty of new job search trends that professionals can use to increase their odds of scoring a job. Here are some of the most...
If you have a hard time communicating and making good judgments, emotions may be interfering with your thought process. Critical thinking skills help you develop an objective...
Emotionally, many people are wired to resist any kind of feedback that's less than stellar and shy away from it when their managers or supervisors try to provide it. However,...
A noisy office can be a real productivity killer. Whether you're stuck sitting next to a chatty co-worker, bothered by constantly ringing phones or dealing with heavy foot...
High-quality references are important to many employers, so it's necessary for professionals to continuously develop relationships with individuals who can vouch for their...
If dealing with a bad manager every day is destroying your enthusiasm and driving you to look for a new job, you aren't alone. In a BambooHR survey of 1,000 workers, 44 percent...
No one wants to be the annoying coworker, that person who everyone loves to hate, so make sure your habits aren't causing you to gradually slip into that position. Take a look...
The fast pace of the digital age has even the most competent workers acknowledging the necessity of regularly upgrading their skills, but there is more value in acquiring new...
Happy employees are team players, which naturally leads to advancements within the company. While there's more to getting a promotion than just embracing a positive attitude, a...
Whether you're seeking a full-time permanent position, a part-time job or an internship, the steps you take to secure employment depend heavily on your preparation. From...
Self-discipline is a large part of any goal-setting strategy, whether you want to run a mile in a certain time or increase sales by 15 percent in six months. Discover 12 ways...
Job burnout happens when you work in stressful conditions for a long enough time that it affects your job performance and possibly your personal well-being. Work-related trauma...
It's important to have a healthy work-life balance, which is why vacation time is commonly offered by most employers. However, a recent study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics...
The labor market roared back in 2017 with 13 states hitting record low marks for unemployment rates. In 2018, job seekers will continue to have the advantage due to a variety...
While many organizations still host professional networking events where you can connect with people in your field face to face, connections are often made using technology...
Companies are finding that millennial employees rejuvenate the workforce and bring a renewed sense of eagerness to the workplace. As a job seeker, knowing that you fall into...