Climate Change, Utility Companies and The M-4 Sherman Tank

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In World War Two, the first medium tank used by the allies was the M3 Grant. But it had serious flaws. Thin armor and a high silhouette, plus a fixed gun that traversed only by turning the body of the tank; it was really just an upgraded World War One tank.

The Allies needed a better tank. The United States; therefore, invented the M4 Sherman tank. It was fast, had machine guns that rubbled concrete pill boxes, and had a canon now located in a turret with a 360 degree traverse.

The tank too had its flaws, though. As Germany invented new tanks, the Sherman's gun, even upgraded, was rendered underpowered in tank duels. The Sherman was originally designed as moving artillery with machine guns, for assaults on dug-in troops positions; the airplane being the tank destroyer. This was fine in concept, but often deadly for a Sherman crew in battle against a German Tiger Tank.

The Sherman had another bad fault, a gasoline, not a combat safer diesel engine. The Germans nicknamed the tank, the Ronson, after a famous commercial of the times. “Always lights the first time.”

To be fair, the Allies needed a tank in crisis time and the Sherman delivered. It was reliable, even in extreme winter weather and terrain. When built, it outclassed any German tank. The Americans worked hard at upgrading it, and the United States built over 50,000 Shermans which overwhelmed the several thousand vaunted Tiger Tanks Germany built. Germany didn't have the industrial might of America.

Now what does this have to do with Climate Change and Utility companies? There is a call to replace coal fired electric power plants now that green jobs and renewable energy are considered necessary because of a belief in man-made climate change caused by fossil fuels. Yet the science behind this has been shaken by scandals that the mainstream media has ignored. This troubles ordinary people because main street distrusts science that has political rights.

Still, the EPA has proposed new regulations which, if approved, will cause the cost of coal powered energy to skyrocket. The coal fired plant now is considered to be like the M3 Grant. Old technology that's not up to the task. Yet where is its replacement?

In Spain an environmentally progressive country, according to Dr. Gabriel Calzada, an Economics Professor at Juan Carlos University in Madrid, green energy jobs have destroyed over twice as many jobs as could be produced because of the allocation of scarce resources to a still not ready technology. Of course, there is clean, reliable nuclear power. The French use it exclusively for electricity, and they're not environmental savages. But still nuclear power is stalled in the America.

We also have huge areas where we can't drill for oil, on shore and off. The United States has more oil than Saudi Arabia, yet we import over half our oil. Even the green Dutch drill off their coasts, yet many oppose drilling in America. Environmentalists point to the BP deep sea disaster as proof of the evils of offshore drilling, yet had shallow water wells not been illegal, there would have been no disaster.

So before we punish or scrap our coal powered stations and cost the country thousands of utility jobs that are here; now, the United States at a national level needs a working Sherman. We may even find that by adding reasonable new and future technologies adapted to coal stations, we already have it.

We can hope. In Britain, coal powered plants the U.K. in the worst winter worst decades. The Green Power failed.


Jeffrey Ruzicka

Jeffrey Ruzicka is a retired executive of a small company that specializes in industrial water treatment for generating stations and water treatment plants. . He lives with his wife in Western Pennsylvania. He is a contributing writer to, and Nexxt.


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