Things-to-do-the-day-before-an-interview checklist

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I got a phone call today. A while back I sent my resume to a job I had stumbled across on Craigslist for a job in electronic marketing. I never heard back and given that the source of the ad I never gave it a second thought until today when the phone rang. They were interested in my resume and wondered if I could come in to meet the general manager tomorrow. So I said sure.

Now, I haven’t been actively looking for a job. I put resumes in when I see awesome opportunities like this one just to see if any doors open. I’ve met with clients but it’s been almost 2 years since I actually interviewed. It is time to pull out and dust off my handy dandy “Things-to-do-the-day-before-an-interview checklist.”
Everyone has their own rituals and routine to prepare them and the supplies needed for an interview, these are mine:
  • Explore the company website – I like to refresh my memory about where I’m applying and what they do.
  • Google the company – You can only believe so much about what a company says about themselves. It’s good to know what other people are saying about them too. It also helps to know about their competition.
  • Map the directions – Before I head out I like to know where I’m going. Getting lost and being late both freak me out. I prefer to print an alternate route as well just in case the more popular route gets congested. If there’s a street view option make sure to get a good look at the front of the business; it will make your destination easier to find than just scanning for the address numbers.
  • Reread resume – I want to make sure I have the time to make tweaks, update experience and slant the focus towards the specific position for which I’m applying. It also refreshes my memory so I’m prepared if asked about the specifics listed there.
  • Pump the iron – The day before an interview I always iron several wardrobe selections so I’m sure to have something spotless that fits the vibe I’m feeling when I wake up even if it’s not what I had initially planned to wear.
  • Primp and pluck – If I’m not planning an afternoon of arts and crafts I like to go ahead and give myself a manicure so I’m not stuck getting ready for my interview with tacky nails. Eyebrows should also be waxed and plucked the day before if necessary so you don’t show up with a puffy red forehead. (Men should break out the clippers to make sure no nose hairs are creeping out and the back of their neck is shaped up nicely.)
  • Remember roots – If you dye your hair you want to take a look at the new growth you’ve got going at least the day before your appointment. If you do your own hair it gives you time to get back to the drugstore and buy a color to cover it in case you make a mistake.
By prepping the day before you can ensure that getting ready before your interview will be less stressful allowing you to concentrate on what you will do or say when you’re offered the job. Touchdown dance maybe?
What things do you like to get out of the way the night before an interview? What can wait until that day? Let me know your routine in the comments below.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for Nexxt, she is co-founder of a design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.


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