Tips for Tough Questions

Nancy Anderson
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As you are out in the job market looking for a position, you are bound to run across some tough questions during an interview that maybe you just were not prepared for. Maybe you did not think it would come up, and so you have never stopped to formulate the best answers for the question, whatever it may be. Your job is to be sure you answer the question satisfactorily, while still "selling yourself" in a good light. First, let's look at a few preparatory points in applying for the job.

Dress appropriately: Each job may have a different standard of dress, but when applying or interviewing for a position, dressing your best is rarely ever a negative thing. Even if you are simply stopping by to fill out a quick application, make it your best appearance possible; you never know when you might be called in to interview on the spot.

Read and reread: When filling out your application make sure you have read and fully understand exactly what is being asked. Sometimes we think we know what they are asking, from prior experience, yet the question was worded differently and we have answered incorrectly. Also, be sure to answer only what is directly asked. Do not go into elaborating on details unnecessary to the question. If you are not quite clear on what is being asked, then speak up and ask someone, rather than answering incorrectly.

Be prepared: There are many common questions that interviewers ask. If you have not been on a lot of interviews, maybe you are not familiar with them all. Research common questions and be sure you have ready answers for them. The internet (and this blog) is filled with tips on dealing with these type of questions.

Criminal records: If you have any kind of prior criminal record, and are asked about it, read the wording of the question carefully, and answer truthfully, but only answer what is being asked. If they are asking for information on felonies, do not offer information on misdemeanors, and if they want to know of any convictions in the past ten years, do not offer convictions you have over ten years ago. Always answer honestly, but only answer exactly what is being asked.

Answering illegal questions: Some questions are illegal and should not be asked by an interviewer. This doesn't mean they won't ask them, as they could be ignorant of it being an illegal question, or maybe they are seeing if you will answer it anyway. If you know a question to be illegal, only answer it if you are comfortable doing so, and if you know the answer will not be used to discriminate against you in the position. If you are not comfortable, you may simply ask how such a question is related to your qualifications for the position. Always try to keep the focus on your skills and experience, and don't let things get too sidetracked with fringe issues that are not directly related to the position. If they are persistent in asking, then try to keep it simple and professional at all times.

If you have additional experience with tough questions you have encountered, feel free to share in the comments section below.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, mail order book store manager, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Utilities Jobsite blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.

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